The Adventures Of Yoshi, Boo, and Paratroopa Wiki

Nart L. Chipikal Nart L. Chipikal 22 June 2012

Alternative Titles And Synopses- Season 1

This post will list the alternative titles for the chapters of Season One. It will also have synopses, or summaries, of the chapters and the mini story-arcs.

The Adventures of Yoshi, Boo, and Paratroopa/Season One (overall): Yoshi, Boo, and Paratroopa are far away from the Mushroom Kingdom. They must find a way to get back home and stop Bowser's plans.

Chapter 1- The Misadventures Begin: The three, after being bored, are led on a high-speed chase in the sky after they steal Old Man Kamek's wand.

Chapter 2- Meet The Endgame: As they approach the exit of the island's forest, they are blocked by someone (Endgame) who claims to be their "imaginary choir leader".

Chapter 3- In The Realm Of Portals: Stuck in Endgame's portal, the three must find a w…

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Nart L. Chipikal Nart L. Chipikal 2 June 2012

The first ask blog

Yoshi: Whoa! What is that?

Paratroopa: That "thing" is a camera.

Yoshi: I thought those were called Lakitus!

Boo: And we're live!

Yoshi and Paratroopa: ...Oh.

And that marks the beginning of ask blogs! Ask away!

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Nart L. Chipikal Nart L. Chipikal 1 June 2012

Kickstarter! :D

To kickstart this wiki, I will explain what it is about.

This wiki is about The Adventures of Yoshi, Boo, and Paratroopa, a fanfic that can be read on the Fansion Wiki. The story is about a Yoshi, a Boo, and a Paratroopa with their crazy adventures. As of this very kickstarter blog, The Adventures of Yoshi, Boo, and Paratroopa is at 'Season 1, Episode 5".

So I hope I've actually kickstarted this wiki! If I have, I guess I'm doing my virtual job right! :D

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